I may have to write this in a couple of blogs so it is easier to read and not toooo much information in one hit.

Firstly; for some of you what i am about to say may be a little out there; all i ask you is to have an open mind about what i am about to tell you; remember the mind is like a parachute…….it only works when it is OPEN. So please read this with an open mind and if you do not agree with want i am about to tell you; then that is OK; but it is certainly a reality for me as i have managed to live my life deliberately and created some wonderful awesome experiences.

First of all ; let me say we create all our life’s experiences either deliberation or unconsciously by the BELIEFS we hold and the DECISIONS that we make about those beliefs.

Let me ask you a question: What comes first; belief or reality? If your answer is belief comes first; then you are correct. If you say; you need to see it before you believe it; then that is your belief; right !!! correct. So then belief always comes before reality.

This means that the beliefs that you hold about everything in your world effects your entire experiences; that is correct. So if your life is not going in the direction you want it to; then look inside and check out the beliefs you bold about the areas of your life that are not working so well for you; and maybe you need to make some adjustments.

Then you say i did not create this illness or bad circumstances i am experiencing now; sorry you did. This may not have been a deliberate creation but an unconscious belief hidden in your subconscious mind taken on when you were a child growing up.

Example: I took on a belief when i was about 5 years old that (i was dumb). How this came about was; after the second world war the schools were packed and one teacher would teach about 50 children with about 5-6 different grades in the one room. So most of my schooling was done by my mother who was a university graduate; she would get impatient when i could not read properly. She would say things like; “this is easy”; “you should be able to do this”; “concentrate”; i could feel her impatience and would go into OVERWHELM; everything would go blank; nothing in my mind. It was at this time i said to myself; “i must be dumb”; i should be able to do this. It was not till i was about 50 years old i realized what had occurred during my childhood; i had the experience when doing a workshop. (Also i had a test for dyslexia; which is an eye problem where you see words backwards; there are thousands of people with this condition; it is to do with the way light fragments hit the cornea of the eye. I have encounter many people with this condition; most of which were highly successful people with above average intelligence.) Sorry for that side track!!!

Having taken on “i am dumb”; i made a decision at some stage during my childhood that; “i was not dumb”; probable after someone called me a dummy. So i spent the next 50 odd years trying to prove to myself that “i was not dumb”!!! My anger about me being dumb buried that belief so deep it did not surface for 50 years when working on some of my issues during a workshop.

That decision i made by the way made me a fortune in money by the time i was 26 years old; i read just about every self help book on the planet; for both making money and trying to feel OK about myself; just to prove to myself and the world i “was not dumb”. However i was a very angry person in side; not a happy chappy; i did not know where that anger came from but it was there; i will explain about that i my next blog to continue.

I am telling you all this as an introduction as to how we create our own reality consciously or unconsciously; now let me explain another example of how not to try and make your life better; like so many personal development presenters advocate to do.

Why affirmations do not work: will cover this and much more in my next blog, soon